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MH400-BT28 Reduced Outer Jacket Metal Halide Lightbulbs
Metal halide light bulbs are a HID source for many indoor and outdoor lighting applications.

Price: $29.25
Item #: BLF247531

MH400-BT28 light bulbs with a mogul base are used as a downsize version which fit's in many smaller 400 watt metal halide fixtures. They have a brilliant white light which is also very energy efficient. These lamps can be typically burned in almost any position and are usually specific to the size of these lamps. Be aware that metal halide light bulbs mogul base must be run with a correct ballast and fixture that is matched for the wattage. These have been in service for many years as a general lighting source, but they are used for so much more now.

Product features:
- 400 watt.
- BT28 downsize outer glass envelope.
- Pure white light.
- Mogul base, much larger than a standard light bulb base.
- Very energy efficient.
- Clear.


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