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F6T5 Fluorescent Black Light Blue Bulbs
Black light blue fluorescent light bulbs emit ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which causes certain materials to fluoresce or glow.

Price: $20.56
Item #: BLF88327

F6T5 fluorescent black light blue bulbs are the typical lamp used for several types of effects including the most common one which are black light blue posters and effects. These are the 6 watt version and are 9 inches long pin to pin. There are many type of small lighting fixtures that can use this black light blue, and have that special deep purple appearance when unlit. Using these can be fun in many types of applications where you really want to make a stunning effect.

Product features:
- 6 watts.
- 9 inch length.
- black light blue effects and stage effects.
- F6T5BLB or F6T5/BLB would be some of the ways that these are labeled.

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